Tag: mindfulness

Implementing mindfulness in a fast-paced world: 3 easy daily practices

One thing we can all agree on is that we live in an incredibly fast-paced world. Whether you participate in everything or not, it’s happening around you. Forty to sixty-hour work weeks, skipping lunch, constant social media, rushing from one appointment to the next, balancing family life with meeting work deadlines. Despite this being our reality, or the reality around…

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The importance of hobbies for a balanced slow life

Discover the benefits of hobbies and unwind in your slow living journey with these inspiring ideas Do you have hobbies? Activities you enjoy without the pressure of making money or meeting others’ expectations? For most of us, a significant part of our day revolves around work, and even if we love our jobs, there are still expectations and the need…

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Nurturing the soul: 6 essential self-care rituals for slow living enthousiasts

Self-care refers to deliberate actions and practices that individuals engage in to promote their overall well-being, maintain good physical and mental health, and enhance their quality of life. It involves taking time to attend to one’s own needs, prioritize personal well-being, and nurture oneself on multiple levels. Self-care encompasses a broad range of activities that can vary from person to…

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How to  destress after a long and stressful day

The 5 holistic remedies you need to try If you’ve been running behind a bus, lost patience due to your internet connection or struggled to catch deadlines for work and social life, then you know what stress is. The truth is that being stressed (little or a lot) happens to everyone, every day. The good news is that studies show…

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A mindful daily bliss: how to make mindfulness a habit

We all know about the incredible endless benefits of mindfulness but how to implement it in our daily life? Well, practicing mindfulness is similar to cultivating a garden: to be able to make something bloom you need certain conditions. These conditions include the following habits of mindfulness, which are essential to be able to optimize practice and start feeling good…

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4 different meditation positions

People often think that the only way to practice meditation is by sitting down in the lotus/cross-legged position. Yet, there are so many ways to meditate, which makes meditation possible for everyone, including people with disabilities. The most essential thing is that you try to relax your shoulder, neck, face, and jaw muscles during meditation and that you try to…

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