I love coconut milk! Indonesian Nasi Kuning, Surinamese Moksi Alesi, Caribbean Rice & beans, all delicious dishes with coconut milk. I could eat this every day.

Often we’re used to buying a lot of food in a package, as it would be convenient, but some items are so easy to make yourself. And yes, it will take you time, but really not that much. And the main advantage is that there are no extra ingredients that are not very good for you, and this version is less fat.

Which ingredients and steps are needed for your DIY coconut milk?

  1. 500 grams of coconut (I used grated coconut, but if you are able to get your hands on a whole coconut, that’s perfect)
  2. Put the coconut with three quarters of a liter of almost boiling water in the blender for a few minutes
  3. Take a cloth and use it as a filter for the coconut with water mixture (dry coconut will remain)
  4. Then put the coconut that you collected with the cloth, in the blender with the remaining water, and repeat
  5. Filter it once more and add it to the other milk

You are done! Enjoy your coconut milk!

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