In the philosophy of slow living there is the risk of misunderstanding some reflections: leading a slow life, in fact, could be mistaken for a life devoid of responsibility. When you decide to “slow down”, in fact, there is the risk of procrastinating both the start of the activity and the achievement of the result, under the banner of a praise of slowness which is therefore misrepresented. But that’s not the case at all.
On the website we read: «Living slowly does not mean living life in slow motion. But it means taking the right time to do things».
A keyword closely linked to slow living is awareness. In fact, living slowly does not mean wasting time proceeding slowly, but doing the things that each of us deems important in a conscious way.
The benefits
Once you understand this philosophy of life (which is not necessarily opposed to a busy working existence), it is easy to understand that it is a choice towards a change that, in fact, proposes a new life.
The slow life philosophy can represent a drastic change above all because it can be applied to every aspect of existence, from food to work, from relationships through study, leisure and travel.
Time as the most important currency
Precisely because it was born as a reaction to fast live, slow living makes us reflect on the fact that time is the most important currency for existence. Recovering your time makes us masters of every moment. This helps to start appreciating those aspects that we tend to overlook because we are overwhelmed by haste and too many commitments and deadlines.
Stress reliever
Slowing down and living trying to give the right time and attention to every element of our life also has another great advantage. It is in fact a remedy for anxiety and stress, which shouldn’t be such a large component in our daily lives.

Better productivity at work
Working at a slow pace means being really lucid and present in the moment you are working, being active and focused on doing things to the best of your ability and with passion, without getting caught up in anxieties that would only be counterproductive.
At the same time, according to the slow working perspective, working all day non-stop is not productive and the best way to achieve satisfactory and sustainable results is to take a break.
We are people and not machines and we must never forget that to give our best we need to take care of ourselves and recharge from time to time.
The fundamental point is to value what you have to do every day and to take your time to do things, trying to minimize haste and pressure through good planning.
The worker who chooses to work slow means enough of an incessant rhythm that only leads to stress, poor results and useless tiredness.
How to practice a slower life
There is no instruction manual for slow living, which is precisely a way of life. However, there are some things that contribute to slowing us down.
Those who wholeheartedly embrace slow living prefer to live in the countryside, or in an environment that allows you to immerse yourself in nature every day. There are also some ways to compromise, ranging from carving out time to be in nature and surrounding yourself at home (and on the balcony, if you have) with plants. Yoga and meditation exercises are actually easy vehicles for a slower life. Obviously, practicing mindfulness (or mindfulness) is a cornerstone of slow living.
As mentioned there might not be a instruction manual for slow living, its a journey. But we are here to inspire, motivate and guide you on yours. Because it’s a struggle. Keeping on top of things while also making conscious choices. Adjuma Tribe got your back. No pedantic fingers here. Slow living can’t be done fast. It’s a journey. Follow us for weekly inspiration.